I had a bit of reunion today on Twitter with my Freshman year roommate in college. Her name is Mallory, and reuniting with her is exciting for the following reasons:
- We got back in touch rather randomly after I saw an @ reply to her by a fellow wedding blogger, The Knotty Bride. Exciting because The Knotty Bride posts some of the most awesome and inspirational wedding photos. She also is open & honest on her Twitter account, which I truly appreciate. If our paths ever cross, this is the kind of person I could see myself sitting around with on a lazy Saturday afternoon sipping margaritas on a patio somewhere.
- She's also getting married!!!!! Congratulations, Mallory & James!
- She blogs too!!! Please read her work at www.11eleven11.net and www.moxiemissives.com. (Don't miss the story entitled "Reasons to say, 'Yes!'" and the groom's version "Reasons I'm Hoping You Say 'Yes'." You will cry. Have tissues.) She is a skilled writer, to say the least. Finding someone with this much care for words is not easy these days. Mallory and my fiance. Those are the two people that could write an instruction manual that I would want to read from cover to cover.
- She is an all-around good person. Kind-hearted, grateful, loving, determined, ambitious, and passionate. Mallory saved me from a horrible roommate placement my very first semester of college by offering me the extra spot in her double-occupancy room. Anybody else would have kept the room to themselves! If I remember correctly, I was a bit of a bad influence on her studies from time to time, but those nights always ended with laughter and smiles. She is one of the first people I met out of high school that I considered a strong, independent female- something that has stuck with me through the years.
Three cheers for Twitter, old friends, wedding planning, and (one that often gets left out) the wonderful men who live on the other side of these blogs.
P.S. I looked all over for a digital photo of Mallory and me, but the only ones I have are paper photos. I shall scan and update tomorrow!